Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lindsey35 Tracker

Do you want your own tracker? No problem!! Just click here for further information!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Come have coffee With lindsey35!

Make your own schedule to have coffee/tea with lindsey35! All you gotta do is make a comment on what time, what server, and what day. Remember, don't make the schedule to be right away or right at the moment. Lindsey35 also has a life she needs to take care of!! She has school, friends, and family. So she can't always look at your comments right away. Also, if the time you have scheduled with her is all ready taken or is not a good time, check back later to see if lindsey35 said No. If she says no, then try a new time!! But, Most of the time she hopes to say YES!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Wow. Club Penguin sure is happy today!!!

Guess what?? I didn't get a stamp:(